Hello! Thanks for your interest in getting in touch with me.

Before you send me a message, I want to use this space to preemptively answer some common questions I get.

Would you do a Deep Discog Dive on [insert artist here]?

Probably! Aside from some very specific cases, I’m open to covering just about anyone. I just need to actually find the time to get to them.

I want to be a sponsor on your video!

Are you/your company related to music in any way?

If the answer is no:

I have virtually no interest in working with brands that aren’t involved in music, audio, live performance, sound recording, etc. There is only one exception, and that’s Nintendo. If you’re from Nintendo, hiiiiiiiiiii :))))))))

If the answer is yes:

Feel free to get in touch!

Can I send you my music-related press release?

Please don’t send me anything that you’re bulk-sending to a lot of people.

Can you review my music on your channel?

I do not currently have a series that involves recent music reviews, and I have no plans to introduce a series like that for the foreseeable future.

I want your thoughts on my music - no video involved!

I don’t have the time to review all of the music that’s sent to me while balancing my other responsibilities. I’m sorry, it’s genuinely nothing personal.

Would you appear on my podcast?

Yeah sure! Send me more info about it and I’ll get back to you.

I want to play one of your videos in my classroom!

I’m flattered! Go for it. In fact, let me know if you do - that sort of thing always makes my day.

I want to have you speak at an upcoming event!

Once again, I’m flattered! Feel free to reach out with more info about the event.

I just wanna say hi!

Go for it!